April 13, 2023You’ve probably heard how essential it is to create a will to ensure that your loved ones are provided for after your life ends and that your own home or property is divided according to your clear instructions in plain English or your preferred language.
All of this is true, but can you create the best online wills, or do you need to engage a lawyer?
Creating both personal and joint will online today at a fixed price gives people peace of mind and makes their special gifts reach their beneficiaries without stress.

One of the most popular ways to create a will is online. We’re talking about a will that can be completely written in a digital format, as the term implies. Thus, there will be no in-person meetings with attorneys.
What a fantastic thing! Making a will online allows more people to cross off one duty daily from their never-ending lists of places to go and activities to do. Other benefits are straightforward process simple process. It is affordable even for the low class.
Online will is convenient, straight forward easy to complete. Online will is cost-effective even though many times it is free.
However, despite the easy process, A legally sound attorney is essential in making a legal will. I know people try to boycott the attorney documents because of the additional costs. But visiting the law firm is inevitable for any will to be legally valid.
In some circumstances, like large or complex estates, the best course of action will be to engage with a lawyer to ensure you’ve covered all your bases. However, most consumers find that an online will meet all their estate planning needs.
Even though it could be challenging to consider end-of-life issues, it’s much simpler to deal with them now than leaving them for your loved ones to decide on when they are grieving. The ambiguity surrounding wills has strained far too many families and relationships. So why not take a few minutes today to stop all that?
How Does an Online Will Operate?
Making a will online is as simple as booking Accommodation. That’s because the requirements of the majority of people are so essential.
Remind yourself that the goal of a will is to specify in writing what you want to happen to your possessions and financial properties after you pass away. If it is done perfectly, it will leave a lasting legacy in the heart of your children.
I’m done now! And for the majority of people, determining that is possible with a brief and straightforward discussion of beneficiaries and guardians. Therefore, you can probably do it online without visiting a lawyer’s office.
Who and why online will be contested in Australia
There are several instances in which an online will can be contested because it is not a legally valid will:
When the person who made the will lacks the testamentary capacity to understand what they were doing at the time they wrote it.
If the will was altered after the maker of the will signed, where the willmaker was forced to form the will, or another person’s undue Influence caused the will to be made
where the will was forged or fraudulently constructed
where the maker of the will has replaced it with another will or document and therefore revoked it
when the willmaker was unaware of the will’s contents and, as a result, did not understand and approve the will
where the will’s intentions of the maker aren’t apparent
Contesting an Online Will Because of Testamentary Capacity
The legal idea of testamentary capacity establishes a person’s ability to create a legally enforceable will.

For a will to benefit people, be enforceable, and be legally binding, the individual making it must have the testamentary capacity and meet the formal conditions outlined in that country’s constitution.
When there is a question about capacity, a medical professional’s report should be requested to assess if the testator or testatrix had testamentary ability when they wrote their will. there are some possible challenges in making online will, read them here https://hktanthonylaw.com/possible-challenges-of-online-wills/
Therefore, the will is void if the testator or testatrix is discovered to be incapable when the will is carried out.
Any level of unsound mind, no matter how little and unrelated to the testator’s disposition, must be considered fatal to the testator’s competence.
Contesting an Online will due to undue Influence
If the person who helped the deceased create the online will stands to gain from doing so, that person may need to demonstrate to the court that there was never any coercion, threat, force, deceit, or fear used throughout the will-making process.
However, the court will not consider some acts of flattery and persuasion improper. In such cases, the court will only let the will be successfully contested based on undue Influence if it is satisfied that the decedent’s final wishes were coerced to the extent where the resulting will is in conflict with what the decedent’s final wishes would have been.
Undue Influence is challenging to demonstrate absent trustworthy witnesses who can attest to what occurred. If one wants to contest a will on the grounds of undue Influence, one must be able to provide specifics and proof to back up their claim.
There must be more than just coercion in any improper influence. Only when the deceased person is forced to do something against their will can it be said that undue Influence occurred. The effect must be strong enough to overcome the dead person’s free will.
Contesting an Online Will Due to Forgery and Fraud
An online will may be contested if it can be proven that it was obtained by fraud or forgery. For example, fraud occurs when the testator is tricked into signing the will. Fraud examples include omitting important data or making comments that are purposefully untrue.
When the testator signs a document that they mistakenly think is a Power of Attorney or Deed but is an online will, this can constitute fraud.
Fraud is different from forgery because the deceased was typically not involved in the will’s creation in forging cases.
The will can be faked in forgery, but the decedent’s signature can also be. For instance, the will may be legitimate in and of itself, but it is rendered invalid by a counterfeit signature.
It is the responsibility of the individual contesting an online will on the grounds of fraud or forgery to provide sufficient information and proof.
When a will is challenged on the grounds of forgery, the evidence must often come from a digital and ICT expert who can identify and demonstrate differences between the signatures.
In these situations, it must be demonstrated that the testator communicated their preferences in another document, such as a last will, a draft, or trustworthy witnesses.
Remember that each state has different will-related regulations, so any online wills service you purchase on the platform should have forms, templates, and/or questions tailored to your state to ensure that the finished document complies.
Ensure you print out multiple copies of your online will and store and protect them in secure locations when you’ve finished writing them.
The person that will manage the will should, at the very least, be aware of where to find your will, and you might also let your spouse, kids, partner, or other family members know.